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Westfield Fasteners Product Specification:

DIN 95 - Slotted Raised Countersunk Woodscrews

This product guide contains the specification for metric sized slotted raised countersunk woodscrews, a series of standard parts available from Westfield Fasteners. The basis of this specification is the internationally recognised DIN standard DIN 95.

Product Description
Slotted Raised Countersunk Woodscrews incorporate a mild dome shape to an otherwise countersunk head, which offers an attractive finish when fitted. For use with any wood based projects. In comparison with the more readily available chipboard or particle board types, these screws are the traditional type of wood screw, with their slot drive and fuller thread form. Please refer to the dimensions and tolerances below when replacing existing woodscrews, as there can be wide variation between actual and nominal diameters, and between batches. Please note that woodscrews of similar type can be found under British Standard BS1210, and have their own form, dimensions and tolerances.

Scope of the DIN standard.
DIN 95 specifies the characteristics, tolerances and the variation in form of metric sized slotted raised countersunk wood screws, and covers thread diameters from 1.6mm, up to and including 8mm. Table 1 below defines the overall dimensions and tolerances for slotted raised countersunk woodscrews, whilst table 2 defines the tolerance on the shank length.

technical drawing of Slotted Raised Countedrsunk Woodscrews - DIN 95

Figure 1: Slotted Raised Countersunk Woodscrew

Table 1: Dimensions & Tolerances according to DIN 95 (mm)

Thread Size1.622.533.544.555.5678
shank diameter, dsmax1.602.002.503.002.504.004.505.005.506.007.008.00
head diameter, dknom33.
height of dome, f≈ (approx.)
head height, kmax0.961.201.501.651.932.22.352.52.753.003.504.00
slot width, nnom0.
major radius of head, rf≈ (approx.)34567891011121416
slot depth, tmax0.

Table 2: Shank Length Tolerance according to DIN 95 (mm)

Nominal Size+/-

For further details, please refer to the ISO/DIN standard document for this item.