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Home   /   Pins, Clips and Rivets   /   10 x 32mm Dowel Pin Parallel Pin with m6 fit in A1 Stainless Steel - DIN 7

10 x 32mm Dowel Pin Parallel Pin with m6 fit in A1 Stainless Steel - DIN 7

Dowel Pins or Parallel Pins are short cylindrical sections of metal used for precise alignment of machine parts and mould tools. They are often also used as reference points for mechanical engineers to ensure repeatable and accurate assemblies. The diameter of these parts is produced to a specific tolerance so that the desired fit can be acheived with a suitably sized and toleranced hole. In this case the ISO fit code is m6.
Dowel Pin with m6 Fit DIN 7 in A1 image
technical drawing of Dowel Pin with m6 Fit DIN 7
Technical Summary
d nominal diameter 10
c1 1.50
r radius 10.0
Standard DIN 7
all dimensions in millimetres (mm)
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10 x 32mm Dowel Pin Parallel Pin with m6 fit in A1 Stainless Steel
10 x 32mm Dowel Pin Parallel Pin with m6 fit in A1 Stainless Steel   WF49203
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technical drawing of Dowel Pin with m6 Fit DIN 7
Technical Summary
d nominal diameter 10
c1 1.50
r radius 10.0
Standard DIN 7
all dimensions in millimetres (mm)
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