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Home   /   Marine Hardware   /   6mm x 60mm Eye Bolt with Wood Thread in A4 Stainless

6mm x 60mm Eye Bolt with Wood Thread in A4 Stainless

Wood screw eye bolts, also known as vine eyes and wood screw lag thread eye bolts are suitable for a wide range of outdoor and indoor applications. The wood screw thread allows them to be directly screwed into timber and with the addition of a rawl plug, they can be used in masonry too. Made in marine grade A4 (316) stainless steel, these wood screw eye bolts are good for plant training, espaliering and green oak applications. They also look smart for indoors uses, such as displays.
Eye Bolt with Wood Thread in A4 image
technical drawing of Eye Bolt with Wood Thread
Technical Summary
SizeDLengthb (min)D2A
5 x 5055030511
6 x 6066035514
8 x 8088050618
10 x 1001010060822
all dimensions in millimetres (mm)
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6mm x 60mm Eye Bolt with Wood Thread in A4 Stainless
6mm x 60mm Eye Bolt with Wood Thread in A4 Stainless   WF58000
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technical drawing of Eye Bolt with Wood Thread
Technical Summary
SizeDLengthb (min)D2A
5 x 5055030511
6 x 6066035514
8 x 8088050618
10 x 1001010060822
all dimensions in millimetres (mm)
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