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M12 x 24mm Rivet Nut Small Countersunk Knurled Type (Open) in A2 Stainless

Low countersunk rivet nuts are a specialised version of the countersunk head. With their reduced head height, it gives an almost flush finish where a non-interference fit is not critical. It can be set without the need to produce a countersunk hole and therefore can be more cost effective. The low countersunk height is ideal for very thin gauge sheet materials and when clamping thin single sheets. The knurling helps the nut to grip to the adjoining surface. The open ends allows the rivet nut to be used with longer lengths of bolts. Used in a multitude of industries such as aerospace, automotive, rail, HVAC, white goods, electronics, DIY and general engineering.
Rivet Nut Knurled with Reduced Countersunk Head, Open Type in A2 image
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M12 x 24mm Rivet Nut Small Countersunk Knurled Type (Open) in A2 Stainless
M12 x 24mm Rivet Nut Small Countersunk Knurled Type (Open) in A2 Stainless   WF85956
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