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Home   /   Pins, Clips and Rivets   /   2.4 x 6mm Blind Rivet Pan Head Plain in Aluminium with Steel Mandrel

2.4 x 6mm Blind Rivet Pan Head Plain in Aluminium with Steel Mandrel

Blind rivets, also known as pop rivets, are an unthreaded fastener, and can be used when access is only available on one side of the workpiece or joint. These rivets are fitted using one of several types of riveting tool. These items are manufactured in many different types and material combinations. The examples here are the standard open type, with a domed or pan head, and are to the DIN 7337 standard.
Blind Rivets with Pan or Dome Head to DIN 7337 in Alum-Pln image
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2.4 x 6mm Blind Rivet Pan Head Plain in Aluminium with Steel Mandrel
2.4 x 6mm Blind Rivet Pan Head Plain in Aluminium with Steel Mandrel   WF68384
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